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- Autors
Malashchenko V. O., Solohub B. V., Pasika V. R., Danylo Ya. Ya.
- Issue
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2021, №1(65)
- Pages
- Abstract
The scheme of movement of a suspended passenger cableway in an intermediate support zone is developed, the calculation scheme and the equation of movement of suspended chairs with passengers, the equation for definition of size of pressure of a rope on an intermediate support, the calculated stresses arising at work of contact pair rope-roller are resulted. According to the given schedules it is possible to choose a rope design and conditions of its operation optimally. These findings can be used in the design and modernization of such roads and will increase their reliability and comfort during operation.
- Keywords
suspended passenger cableway, intermediate support, dynamic model, dynamic loads, forces in the rope, contact stresses.
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