Article review

The article manuscript is subject to anonymous review by two leading experts in the field. Authors may submit nominations for their study independent reviewers, still the editorial board being sympathetic to such wishes, reserves the right to involve those reviewers who will conduct a more thorough analysis of the work done.

The reviewers are informed that the manuscripts they obtained are the respective authors’ property and never subject for disclosure.

The reviewer’s decision is not definitely final. The article author has the right to submit a reasoned answer to the editorial board in case of disagreement with the reviewer’s decision. The article may be sent for additional review or for approval by the editorial board. When resolving controversial issues that arose in the process of reviewing the editorial board’s  decision has an ultimate final power.

In case the article rejected by the reviewers, the editorial board sends the author a written notice.

The article dispatched to the author for revision must be returned in a revised form within 3 weeks. The article’s revised version should be accompanied by the author’s letter containing all comments and explaining any changes made to the article.

The article version corrected by the authors, agreed with the reviewers, is considered final and must be signed by the reviewers and scientific editor “Agreed to publishing”, after any changes or replacement of text, figures or tables are no more possible.

Reviewing order:
1. The submitted article is registered at the time of hard copy receipt by postal service or e-mail.
2. Scientific editors of the magazine decide on the selection of manuscript reviewers according to its subject.
3. The manuscript materials are referred to peer reviewers. Review period is two weeks.
4. After receiving reviews of the manuscript, the editorial board sends result to the author. In the case of two positive reviews, the manuscript is being prepared for publication. When needed  the manuscript revision, the author revises and elaborates the article, taking into account all the comments issued by the reviewers.
5. The manuscript revised version is sent for reiterative review.
6. A manuscript that received a positive review is approved for publication by a scientific editor, afterwards being reviewed and approved for publication at a board meeting.
7. The manuscript approved by the editorial board is forwarded to the edition office for further preparation to publish the article.