3-d modeling of dimensions of drive elements for controlling the speed of movement through the gear of a gear differential with closed hydro

Semenyuk V. F., Strilets O. R., Malashchenko V. O., Sologub B. V.
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2021, №2(66)
The work is devoted to solving the problem of choosing the optimal geometric parameters of the elements of a mechanical drive that carries out the processes of controlling its speed through the gear of the gear differential with a closed hydraulic system. An algorithm for modeling the main elements of a mechanical drive with the development of their 3-d models is proposed. The developed scheme of the proposed algorithm gives an idea of the sequence of operations for selecting the optimal geometric parameters, the sequence of assembly work and the practical implementation of the process of controlling the speed through the carrier and a specially selected closed hydraulic system. Conclusions are made on the use of the proposed algorithm to solve a specific problem of optimizing the structures of the main elements of mechanical drives using a closed hydraulic system. Further ways to improve and develop this design methodology are suggested.
design, hydraulic system, rational parameters, modeling algorithm.
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