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- Autors
Kindratskyy B., Osmak O.
- Issue
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2022, №1(67)
- Pages
- Abstract
The article considers general design features of an electric vehicles having maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tones, their layout. The suspension designs of common N1 electric vehicles manufactured in different countries (Opel, Volkswagen ABT, Renault, Citroën, BYD, Rivian, etc.) are examined. Moreover, it is considered as electric cars made on the basis of available in production cars with traditional internal combustion engines and developed for the use of an electric power plant. The advantages and disadvantages of existing suspensions in terms of simplicity of their design, compactness, production costs, further maintenance and repair costs, ensuring the car performance properties. Among the performance properties are ride quality (in the general case, it is estimated by the frequency of oscillations and accelerations of the sprung mass), stability (ability to resist roll-over and overturning), controllability (ability to maintain a given direction of movement), etc. Criteria for assessing the perfection of the suspension structure, their parameters in terms of purpose and structure of the electric vehicle are proposed.
- Keywords
N1 vehicle category, electric vehicles, automotive suspension, automotive operational properties, ride quality, stability
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