Threading of a thread located on a screw line during a cylindrical surface

Chayun I. M., Vovk P. E.
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2019, №2(61)
In this article was proposed a solution, for two new similar problems, based on the calculation scheme of the Euler problem of fibre friction under tension with its concentric location on a circular cylinder. The first problem is the friction of the fibre under tension, with an fibre arrangement along a screw line on the surface of a circular cylinder with a straight generatrix. The second problem is the friction of the fibre under tension with the fibre location along a helix on the surface of a circular cylinder with a screw generatrix. The applied value of the proposed tasks, first of all, in the study of the deformed-stressed state of the elements of the rope (wires and strands) taking into account the inter-element friction with different loading schemes. In this case, as applied to single-lay ropes, as well as to wireline cables and power transmission lines, the fibre friction in a helical form is suitable for stretching on the surface of a circular cylinder with a straight line, and on double-layered ropes - on a circular cylinder with screw generatrix. In the calculation scheme of the second problem, the central wire of a strand is considered as a base cylinder with a screw generatrix, around which the layers of wires of this strand are twisted. In both problems, the formulas for determining friction forces were obtained depending on three arguments: the coefficient of friction, the angle of inclination of the helix of the fibre (wire) to the axis of the base cylinder, and the length of contact of the fibre with the surface of the cylinder, represented by the number of helix steps. In the second problem, the argument is also the angle of inclination of the screw generatrix of the cylinder to its axis. Graphs of friction force versus the indicated arguments are presented. At angles and lengths of contact of the filament with the surface of the cylinder equal to one helix step, the results of solving both problems coincide with the Euler solution at the angle
friction force, thread, helix, cylindrical surface, wire, strand, rope
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