Determination of wind loads acting on the boom change mechanism

Tkachuk K. V., Suglobov V. V.
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2019, №1(60)
The issues of the mechanism of change in the departure of the stre-ly under dynamic loads from the action of wind of different intensity are considered. The dependence of the movement of the boom system and the direction of the wind on the indicators of the force acting on the gear rail of the departure change mechanism is investigated. In this paper, for the first time, a method for calculating wind loads is proposed, taking into account the change in wind pulsation and wind pressure altitude. It has been established that it is impossible to influence the moment from wind load without changing the windward area of the elements of the boom system. The proposed developments will be used for further study of the operational reliability of the mechanism for changing the luffing angle and studying the synthesis of the stream system of port cranes.
boom system, rack rail, wind ripple, boom reach, static component, dynamic component, moment, gantry crane
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