Cinematic synthesis of crystal-summary mechanism for the power industry of transmission of movement

Pogrebnyak R. P., Pogrebnyak M. R.
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2019, №1(60)
To carry out a kinematic synthesis of a crank-slider mechanism in the accordance the criterion of the constancy of the drive power of the mechanism with restrictions on permissible pressure angles in kinematic pairs. Analytical dependences are obtained for determining the velocity function of the central and deaxial crank-slider mechanism, which are convenient for analysis and modeling. On their basis, an energy synthesis of the geometrical parameters of the mechanism in accordance with the criterion of the smallest deviation from the optimization criterion is performed. The possibilities of the mechanism are enhanced by using a deaxial crank-slider mechanism, and the best results can be obtained in a scheme where the deaxial value is larger than the crank length. It is determined the specific values of the relative parameters of the lengths of the links and the ranges of rotation of the crank of the central and deaxial crank-slider mechanism, which best meet the optimization criterion and satisfy the pressure angle constraints.
motion transmission; power transmission index; speed function; pressure angle
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