Crane trolley with flexible load suspention parameters influence analysis on the optimal dynamic movement mode. II. Nonlinear model

Chovnyuk Y. V., Ostapushchenko O. P., Kravchenko I. M.
Hoisting and transport equipment, 2020, №3(64)
Moving a crane trolley a flexible suspension load carries nonlinear oscillations, which significantly affect both the nature of the crane trolley's movement and the reliability of the crane's operation, its productivity and safety of operation. The load fluctuations elimination of crane truck moving is an urgent task. Usually, the eliminating nonlinear oscillations problem is solved for transient modes operation (mechanical systems) during start-up / braking periods or throughout the entire motion period. As a rule, the analysis of the crane truck parameters influence itself on its optimal operation modes is not considered (both in linear and nonlinear problem formulations). The study purpose is to determine the optimal movement mode of crane truck movement by a dynamic criterion of a special kind that minimizes nonlinear oscillations (their amplitude of deviation from the vertical) on a flexible load suspension. Classical variational calculus methods are used to solve the problem. Analytical equations cargo movement analysis on a flexible suspension movement in the case of vertical suspension point acceleration (actually crane truck moving).
crane trolley, load, vibrations, nonlinearity, optimal mode, variational problem, analysis, flexible suspension, suspension point’s vertical acceleration.
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